
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
Histone deacetylase Rpd3S interacts with histone chaperone FACT to restore chromatin check Full Text
Li, Hua Dong Chao, Chong Hang 2023. Doctoral
How partner characteristics influence intimate partner violence during COVID-19 : a literature review
Liu, Jun Yi Cai, Tian Ji 2023. Master
Heterogeneous data fusion of net-zero energy building for power analysis and forecasting with deficient data via deep learning
Iao, Hou Wang Lao, Keng Weng 2023. Master
Health estimation and remaining useful volume prediction of dynamic discharge battery based on Temporal Encoder-Decoder
Zhang, Jing Bin Gong, Zhi Guo 2023. Master
Hegel's individuality : struggles between persons, civil society and the state
Zheng, Jing Wen Moeller Hans-Georg 2023. Doctoral
High-reliability strong physical unclonable function achieving modeling attack resilience with millions of training CRPs
Xu, Chong Yao Law, Man Kay 2023. Doctoral
High performance gain error tolerance noise-shaping SAR-assisted pipeline ADC
Zhang, Hong Shuai Chan, Chi Hang 2023. Doctoral
Hepatoprotective effects of Ganweikang against acute hepatic injury
Xiao, Lin Xuan Yu, Hua 2023. Master
Hole detection in WSN with connected component labeling and force-directed algorithms
Xu, Jia Cheng Si, Yain Whar 2023. Master
High performance giga-samples-per-seconds nyquist ADC designs
Zheng, Zi Hao Zhu, Yan 2023. Doctoral
Total Results: 173

Showing 1 to 10 of 173 results